Articles on: Commerce Carts

Shopify Latest Version Updates: Your Guide to New Features and Enhancements

The following article covers all changes for each version of the Shopify app; since we launched with version 1.0, you will find updates starting version 2.0

Version 3.5

Date: 17/02/2025

🚀 New features

SKU code is now being set for all newly created products and variants
Added a new setting, which allows users to customise the SKU code structure

Version 3.4

Date: 12/02/2025

👍 Improvements

Mimeeq Button supports custom UI settings

Version 3.3

Date: 27/11/2024

🚀 New features

A new setting for creating products for each embed template was added. Once enabled, each template will be assigned to a separate Shopify product or variant instance. This is useful if you want to have different price lists for various customer groups, such as end clients vs B2B resellers.

Version 3.2

Date: 05/11/2024

👍 Improvements

Modular products now have a breakdown specification on the cart page and order, indicating the specification for each element of the modular configurator.

🚀 New features

Added support for allowing non add to cart embed scenarios if you wish to not add to cart now you can set the embed template to non basket mode and it will be respected. This is useful if you want to use Shopify as a non-shopping site.

Version 3.1

Date: 18/10/2024

👍 Improvements

Improved error handling for some common issues like removal of non-existing images or exceeding the number of media per product

🚀 New features

Added a new setting for allowing/disallowing products with zero price to be added to the cart. If not allowed, users will be shown an error message if the product has no price.

Version 3.0

Date: 03/10/2024

👍 Updated Shopify Dependencies

We made a significant update to support the depreciation of rest API and added support for GraphQL.

🚀 New features

Allow for override price list to be set, for the who store to support multiple market price lists, this allows you to use different templates for the visual display in the configurator and a different price list for the products that are added to the cart.

Version 2.0

Date: 16/11/2023

🚀 New features

Pass weights based on the configuration to Shopify newly created products, to learn more about using Item master to pass weights read Item Master

👍 Improvements

Mimeeq Button text changed from Upper Case to Natural Text Case
Removed override price group on the standalone app block
Added the new URL for Embeds to take advantage of our new global CDN
Sync new products only sync active products and no longer sync draft products
Update to default settings for newly installed apps

Updated on: 17/02/2025

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