Articles on: Developers

How to use Mimeeq Webhooks


About Webhooks
How to create Webhook
How to test Webhook
Webhook Format
List of Webhooks
Example Use Case

About Webhooks

Webhooks are a way for your application to get real-time data from when an event occurs in our platform. They have a message (or payload) which is sent to a unique URL.
In this article you will find a step-by-step guide to help you create and test your first Webhooks in Mimeeq.

For more detailed information on setting up webhooks in Mimeeq, including payload examples, please check out our developer documentation.

How to create a webhook

Log in to Mimeeq app.
Navigate to Settings and look for the Data section.

How to create a Webhook in Mimeeq

Select Webhooks to open the webhook settings page.
On the Webhooks page, you'll see an option to create new webhook. Click on this button and provide the following webhook details:

1.Webhook NameA unique name for the webhook. Required
2.Endpoint URLAn endpoint URL is the HTTP endpoint where your preferred events are sent. We can send them only to a full, valid, publicly accessible URL. Required
3.HTTP Auth Header Name and ValueBy specifying these, you add an extra security layer to your webhook, ensuring every request includes a custom authorization header. This setup allows for the implementation of custom verification logic at your endpoint, effectively filtering out unauthorized requests. Optional
4.Select Event TypeSelect the events for which you want to receive payloads. Required

Settings -> Webhooks -> Create a New Webhook

How to test your Webhook

Once your webhook is created, it’s important to test it to ensure it’s working as expected.
you can of course just create a event to test it which will then include you real data however if you want to make sure the end point is functioning then you can send a test payload

Find your Webhook in the list and open the Webhook Details Page.
Scroll down to section Test Webhook.
Select the Event type you want to test.
Click "Send Test". Right after that, you'll get a message at the top telling you if you test request was successful or not.

How to test Webhook

To review the result of the last attempt, go back to the webhook list.

Note: Events generated by testing webhooks are not counted as a last attempt so you will not see this on the datagrid.

How to check last attempt status

We retry failed webhooks, for details refer to our develop documentation for more details

Webhook Format

When a webhook is triggered, the data received is in the following format:

  "meta": {
    "webhookId": "string"; 
    "eventId": "string";
    "eventType": "string";
    "eventTimestamp": "string"; 
    "entityId": "string"; 
    "version": "string";
  data: {/*specific data for the event*/} 

See our dev docs for more details and payloads examples for each event type.

In this example:

webhookId the unique identifier of the webhook definition.
eventId the unique identifier for the specific event.
eventType the type of event triggered, such as basket-submitted, contact-created, etc.
eventTimestamp the exact date and time when the event happened.
entityId the ID of the main item involved in the event. For example, for events related to contacts (like contact-created, contact-updated, or contact-deleted), this would be the contactId.
version the version of the payload format being used.
data this contains event-specific information and will vary depending on the eventType.

List of Webhooks

Below is the current list of event types available in Mimeeq. These events can trigger notifications or updates within your system, ensuring seamless real-time communication and automated processes based on specific actions or changes:


Event TypeTriggered when...
basket-submitted... someone submits basket.


Event TypeTriggered when...
contact-created... a new contact is created.
contact-updated... changes are made to a existing contact.
contact-deleted... a contact is removed.


Event TypeTriggered when...
company-created... a new company is created.
company-updated... changes are made to existing company.
company-deleted... a company is removed.
company-note-created... a new note is attached to a company's records.
company-note-updated... an existing note on a company's record is updated.
company-note-deleted... a note linked to a company is removed.

Example Use Case

You want to create a new Deal in your CRM for Basket submissions
For the sake of this example lets presume you CRM in Pipedrive and you will use Zapier to connect it
Here is how you would do that

Login to Zapier and create a ZAP
The Zap would have a Webhook as a trigger
Copy the Webhook address and create you webhook in Mineeq for the basket payload,
Click test Webhook to send the payload to zapier
In Zapier set up your actions to create a contact and deal in Pipedrive
To do that you would pass the contact name and email from the Webhook payload to Pipedrive and likewise you can create a deal with the details from the payload
You could finish with another action that notifies the sales team via MS teams that there is a new basket submission that needs attention

There are many low code automation tools such as Zapier probably the most popular with the most connections and Make for more advanced scenarios. With Zapier you will not need a developer to set up your automations as its a low code user friendly system.

We hope this guide makes your webhook integration smooth and efficient 🤝

Updated on: 10/10/2024

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