Articles on: Users and Permissions

Invite a Co Worker, Primary User (Tier1)

How to Invite a Co Worker, Primary User

This article covers inviting a work colleague (coworker) to the mimeeq dashboard.
In Mimeeq's, a coworker user is called a Tier1 or primary user; this is to differentiate main users from client users who can be invited to view prices and interact with products via an embeddable version of your products.

To invite a guest (client) or, as we call it, Tier2 user, please refer to the separate article Invite a Partner User, Client (Tier2)

Click on Settings

Step 1 screenshot

Click on Users and Roles

Step 2 screenshot

Click on Users

Step 3 screenshot

Click on New user

Step 4 screenshot

Enter Users First and Last Name

Step 5 screenshot

Choose Role

This is the role this user will be assigned to

Step 6 screenshot

Enter the user's email

Step 7 screenshot

Select a Langauge for the User

Step 8 screenshot

Click on Invite

Step 9 screenshot

Confirmation that Invite is sent

Step 10 screenshot

Updated on: 30/12/2022

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