Articles on: Commerce Carts

How to Create and Use Custom Fields in Mimeeq


About Custom Fields
How to create Custom Fields
Common use cases for Custom Fields
Editing and Deleting Custom Fields

About Custom Fields

Custom fields help you capture, validate, and utilize additional or specialized information within your account. You can use them to display specialized details about your product or to gather specific order information, such as the delivery type. Currently, Mimeeq supports six different types of custom fields, allowing you to collect and store various kinds of information:

Single-line text
Multi-line text
Translatable text

How to create Custom Fields

As mentioned earlier, Mimeeq currently offers six different types of custom fields. The types available depend on the field scope — whether it will be used in the Basket or Option Set. Below, we provide instructions on how to create each type and examples of how they can be used.

Note: Your account type and plan may limit the number of custom fields you can create. The default limit typically starts at three, with higher limits available on upgraded plans


A checkbox custom field is useful for collecting simple Yes/No responses from your customers. For example, you can use it to confirm agreement with terms and conditions, sign up for a newsletter, or request gift packaging.

Follow these steps to create a checkbox custom field:

Go to Settings, find Custom Fields under the Data section, and click New Custom Field.
Set the Field Scope to Basket (as the checkbox is only available for Baskets) and select Type: Checkbox.
Provide the remaining required information.

1.NameThe name for the checkbox custom field, visible in the admin panel and, after Basket submission, in the preview, email, and PDF. Required
2.IDAutomatically generated ID from the name in a URL-friendly format. Required
3.Field ScopeCheckbox is available only for use in the Basket. Required
4.TypeCheckbox. Required
5.Checked State LabelLabel visible after Basket submission in the app, email, and PDF (e.g., Checked, Agreed). Required
6.Unchecked State LabelLabel visible after Basket submission in the app, email, and PDF (e.g., Unchecked, Denied). Required
7.Checkbox ContentLabel displayed next to the checkbox, e.g., "I agree to Terms & Conditions". Required
8.Required SettingDefines whether the checkbox is required or not
9.Position SettingDefines whether the checkbox is positioned within the Basket form or fixed in the footer

How to create a checkbox custom field

Once you’ve created a checkbox custom field and added it to the Basket form, it will be visible to customers submitting their Baskets. Below are examples of how the checkbox appears when fixed in the footer, within the form, and in an error state.

Checkbox custom field in the Basket form


A single-select custom field is useful for collecting information from customers by having them choose from a list you provide. For example, it can be used to specify delivery options, such as Standard, Express, or Next Day.

Follow these steps to create a single-select custom field:

Go to Settings, find Custom Fields under the Data section, and click New Custom Field.
Set the Field Scope to Basket (as the single-select is only available for Baskets) and select Type: Single-Select.
Provide the remaining required information.

1.NameThe name for the single-select custom field, visible as the dropdown label. Required
2.IDAutomatically generated ID from the name in a URL-friendly format. Required
3.Field ScopeSingle-select is available only for use in the Basket. Required
4.TypeSingle-select. Required
5.DescriptionA text displayed beneath the dropdown, which can be used to provide additional details for your customer. Optional
6.List of Available OptionsA list of options from which the customer can choose. Required
7.Available OptionName and ID of the available option for selection. Required
8.Required SettingDefines whether the dropdown is required or not

How to create a single-select custom field

Once you’ve created a single-select custom field and added it to the Basket form, it will appear as a dropdown with your list of options for customers submitting their Baskets. Below are examples of how the single-select field appears in the Basket form.

Single-select custom field in the Basket form

Single-line text

A single-line text field can be used for both Baskets and Option Set. For Baskets, it appears as an input field where customers can provide additional information, such as a short note. For Option Set, this field is visible in the admin panel within Option Set. You can later use this information as a dynamic value in different areas, such as SKU codes or Price Codes.

Follow these steps to create a single-line text custom field:

Go to Settings, find Custom Fields under the Data section, and click New Custom Field.
Set the Field Scope to Basket or Option Set and select Type: Single-line text.
Provide the remaining required information.

1.NameThe name for the single-line text custom field. Required
2.IDAutomatically generated ID from the name in a URL-friendly format. Required
3.Field ScopeBasket or Option Set. Required
4.TypeSingle-line text. Required
5.Regex Regular ExpressionA pattern used to validate the format of text entered by the user. For example, you can use a regular expression to restrict input to only letters. Optional
6.DescriptionA description of custom field which can be used to provide additional details for your customer. Optional
7.Min DigitsSpecifies the minimum number of digits required for the input. Optional
8.Max DigitsSpecifies the maximum number of digits required for the input. Optional
9.Required SettingDefines whether the input is required or not

How to create single-line text custom field (Basket)

For single-line text custom fields created for Option Set, two additional settings are available:

10.Custom field must be uniqueThis setting controls whether the data entered must be unique for each entry, preventing duplicate values
11.Exposed to EmbedThis setting is enabled by default to allow the custom field to be used in embedded

How to create single-line text custom field (Option Set)

Once you’ve created a single-line text custom field and added it to the Basket form, it will appear as a simple input field. Below are examples of how the single-line text field appears in the Basket form. The field can be set as required or optional, and it can also include validation based on a Regex Regular Expression.

Single-line text custom field in the Basket form

Multi-line text

A multi-select custom field is useful for collecting longer text from your customer, such as an order note, special instructions, or delivery preferences. It can only be used on the Basket form and appears as a large text area field.

Follow these steps to create a multi-line text custom field:

Go to Settings, find Custom Fields under the Data section, and click New Custom Field.
Set the Field Scope to Basket and select Type: Multi-line text.
Provide the remaining required information.

1.NameThe name for the multi-line text custom field. Required
2.IDAutomatically generated ID from the name in a URL-friendly format. Required
3.Field ScopeBasket. Required
4.TypeMulti-line text. Required
5.Regex Regular ExpressionA pattern used to validate the format of text entered by the user. For example, you can use a regular expression to restrict input to only letters. Optional
6.DescriptionA description of custom field which can be used to provide additional details for your customer. Optional
7.Min DigitsSpecifies the minimum number of digits required for the input. Optional
8.Max DigitsSpecifies the maximum number of digits required for the input. Optional
9.Required SettingDefines whether the input is required or not

How to create multi-line text custom field (Basket)

Once you’ve created a multi-line text custom field and added it to the Basket form, it will appear as a text area for customers submitting their Baskets. Below are examples of how the multi-line text field appears in the Basket form.

Multi-line text custom field in the Basket form


A number custom field can be used for both Baskets and Option Set. For Baskets, it appears as an input field where customers can provide additional information, such as a phone number, quantity needed, or order reference number. For Option Set, this field is visible in the admin panel within Option Set. You can later use this information as a dynamic value in different areas, such as SKU codes or Price Codes.

Follow these steps to create a number custom field:

Go to Settings, find Custom Fields under the Data section, and click New Custom Field.
Set the Field Scope to Basket or Option Set and select Type: Number.
Provide the remaining required information.

1.NameThe name for the number custom field. Required
2.IDAutomatically generated ID from the name in a URL-friendly format. Required
3.Field ScopeBasket or Option Set. Required
4.TypeNumber. Required
5.Regex Regular ExpressionA pattern used to validate the format of text entered by the user. For example, ^\+?\d{1,3}[-.\s]?\d{3,14}$ - validates European phone numbers with optional country code and supports basic separators like dashes, dots, or spaces. Optional
6.DescriptionA description of custom field which can be used to provide additional details for your customer. Optional
7.Min ValueSpecifies the minimum numeric value allowed for the field. Optional
8.Max ValueSpecifies the maximum numeric value allowed for the field. Optional
9.Decimal ValueSpecifies the maximum number of decimal places allowed in the input field for more precise values. Optional
10.Required SettingDefines whether the input is required or not

How to create number custom field (Basket)

For number custom fields created for Option Set, two additional settings are available:

11.Custom field must be uniqueThis setting controls whether the data entered must be unique for each entry, preventing duplicate values
12.Exposed to EmbedThis setting is enabled by default to allow the custom field to be used in embedded

How to create number custom field (Option Set)

Once you’ve created a number custom field and added it to the Basket form, it will appear as a numeric input field for customers submitting their Baskets. Below are examples of how the number field appears in the Basket form.

Number custom field in the Basket form

Translatable text

Translatable text is available only for Option Set and functions similarly to single-line text, but with the added ability to include translations for this field. Once you’ve created a translatable custom field, it appears in the admin panel within Option Set. You can later use this information as a dynamic value in various areas, such as SKU codes or Price Codes.

Go to Settings, find Custom Fields under the Data section, and click New Custom Field.
Set the Field Scope to Option Set and select Type: Translatable text.
Provide the remaining required information.

1.NameThe name for the translatable text custom field. Required
2.IDAutomatically generated ID from the name in a URL-friendly format. Required
3.Field ScopeOption Set. Required
4.TypeTranslatable text. Required
5.Regex Regular ExpressionA pattern used to validate the format of text entered by the user. For example, you can use a regular expression to restrict input to only letters. Optional
6.DescriptionA description of custom field which can be used to provide additional details. Optional
7.Min DigitsSpecifies the minimum number of digits required for the input. Optional
8.Max DigitsSpecifies the maximum number of digits required for the input. Optional
9.Required SettingDefines whether the input is required or not
10.Custom field must be uniqueThis setting controls whether the data entered must be unique for each entry, preventing duplicate values
11.Exposed to EmbedThis setting is enabled by default to allow the custom field to be used in embedded

How to create translatable text custom field

Once you’ve created a translatable text custom field, go to Option Set, select Options, and you’ll see the field in the data grid, typically placed as the last column. You can add translations by clicking on the flag icon.

Common use cases for Custom Fields

Mimeeq currently supports custom fields in two primary scopes: Basket and Option Set. However, this functionality is expected to expand, with more scopes and field types planned for the future.

How to add Custom Fields in the Basket Form

Basket custom fields are primarily used during the submission process, allowing you to gather additional information from customers. To add or remove custom fields in Basket forms, go to Settings -> Baskets and open the General tab. Here, you’ll find a list of available custom fields, including system-generated fields created by default and any custom fields you have previously created.

Basket form already includes several system-generated fields:

Full Name (Always required and active)
Email (Always required and active)
Phone Number
Company Name
Order Notes

Basket Settings

For fields that are not required to be active, you can choose to turn them off if you don’t need them. Use the Active checkbox column to control visibility: if checked, the field will be displayed on Basket forms; if unchecked, the field will not appear. To change the order in which fields appear on the form, use drag and drop. To edit a field, click its name, and you’ll be redirected to the custom field page.

After you’ve added custom fields to your form, they will be displayed on the Basket form. Here’s an example of how this might look:

Basket form with custom fields

Once a customer submits their Basket, both you and the customer will receive an email and PDF containing the submitted field information for review. In the app, you can also review the submitted Basket. All customer-submitted information will appear on the left side of the Basket drawer.

Basket preview in App

How to add Custom Fields to the Option Set

Once you create a custom field for an Option Set in Settings, it is automatically added to the Option Set. To access it, go to Option Set > Options, where you’ll see all custom fields displayed at the end of the data grid. From here, you can fill in the necessary content.

Note: If a custom field was created as required, you won’t be able to save options without completing all required fields. Additionally, if you’ve set a Regex for validation, ensure the format is correct, as incorrect formatting can prevent saving.

Example of custom field usage in Option Set

Advanced Use Cases of Custom Fields

You can use custom fields as a dynamic value in different areas, for example in:

2D Layers
Pricing Code and SKU
Downloadable Content

How to add price code pattern

Editing and Deleting Custom Fields

After creating a custom field, you may need to edit or delete it. To edit or delete a custom field, go to Settings > Custom Fields, then select the custom field you want to modify or remove from the data grid. Note, that some attributes, such as field scope, type, and ID, cannot be edited after creation. However, you can still modify other details like the name, single-select options, and checkbox label.

Keep in mind that deleting a custom field is a permanent action, and you will no longer have access to the associated data. If you wish to retain access to the data, consider setting the field to inactive instead.

How to edit or delete a Custom Field

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact our support team. We’re here to help! 🤝

Updated on: 12/03/2025

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